Interactive floor plan

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Our pilot project, which you can see above, is a virtual reconstruction of the school GRG7 Kandlgasse, which was created by a group of computer enthusiastic students under the direction of Johannes Eschner and Felix De Montis.

Goal of the project was to create a representative, well looking floor plan, which allows a more intuitive indoor navigation experience.

Unlike usual floor plans, this photo-realistic representation using a 3D model makes navigating much easier. Especially do to the elaborate reconstruction, which helps you to easily recognise the distinct features of the building. The design is kept very simple, therefore it isn't complicated to use the web app without any instructions.


It was very important for us to develop this interactive website as resource saving as possible. This way, we can provide a great user experience on all kinds of hardware and nearly every browser (IE9+).

We created a 3D model rich in detail for the different interactive views of the site. Those are embedded as images.

You can of course, also use such a plan offline, without the need for any internet connection.

The code itself which handles everything will be open-sourced in the near future.

Expectations/possible Extensions

Creating the detailed model with open-source Software gives us a nearly an endless amount of possibilities. More views of the building or other ways of visualising the model can be achieved without much work. The code of the web app was also written in a way that it is easy to make changes immediately.

Pilot projekt

As a pilot project we created the interactive plan of the school GRG7 Kandlgasse which will be available soon on the official school website. In the meantime you can visit the project at